Community Care

At Bafar Group, we are aware of the importance of safeguarding the social fabric of the communities in which we are present. That is why, through our charitable entity, Fundación Grupo Bafar, we conceive and execute a wide range of initiatives, projects and programs that generate a significant impact on various segments of the population, especially those in vulnerable conditions. Our commitment is reflected in concrete actions that seek to strengthen and contribute to the well-being of these communities, promoting their development and providing them with opportunities for a more prosperous future.

Community engagement

Bafar Group, in collaboration with the Real Madrid Foundation, has implemented a comprehensive and transformative program that provides girls, boys and adolescents from marginalized areas with the opportunity to develop sports skills in soccer and basketball, along with academic activities, cultural initiatives and nutritional monitoring. With more than 27,000 beneficiaries in schools and shelters in Chihuahua, Michoacán, and Yucatán, our commitment transcends sports, seeking to empower these young people, foster their integral development, and generate a positive impact in their communities. This exemplary initiative reflects our dedication to building a promising and equitable future for everyone.

Through a close collaboration with the Asociación Nacional Pro Superación Personal (ANSPAC), we have launched a program that supports the personal, family and professional growth of women through the implementation of workshops and courses over a period of 1 year in different cities in Mexico, including: Mexico City, Cuernavaca, Chihuahua, Pachuca, Toluca and La Piedad. At the end of the program, participants are recognized at an exciting graduation ceremony that values their dedication and responsibility. The "Woman" program has benefited a total of 2,240 women, strengthening their empowerment and offering them tools to reach their full potential in various facets of their lives.

The mission of this center is to promote adequate nutrition, improve economic conditions, and raise the quality of life of residents in disadvantaged communities through the distribution of perishable and nonperishable food and hygiene products. Throughout our journey, we have benefited 3 million Mexican families, we achieved to deliver 13 million complete meals, reflecting our ongoing commitment to the well-being and satisfaction of the communities we serve.

In conjunction with global spine outreach (gso) and christus muguerza, we carry out surgical interventions to improve the quality of life of children and young people suffering from scoliosis, cleft palate and cleft lip. In addition, we carry out dental, hearing and visual health campaigns, as well as medical examinations and nutritional evaluations. To date, more than 15,500 individuals have benefited from our medical campaigns, reflecting our commitment to providing comprehensive and transformative medical care to those who need it most.

Every year, our foundation organizes the outstanding une-t golf tournament "for better Mexicans," a large-scale charity event that not only generates a positive impact on the community, but also seeks to convey a message of solidarity and unity to the entire Mexican society. The funds raised during this tournament are destined to the social programs developed by the bafar group foundation, thus allowing us to continue with our commitment to support various causes. The participation of renowned athletes such as rafael marquez, hugo sanchez, and lorena ochoa, among others, aims to promote the importance of sports in the lives of children and young people, inspiring them through role models and promoting fundamental values. This exemplary event reinforces our commitment to the well-being of society and the promotion of a better future for all.

During 2021, a collaboration agreement was established with the prestigious Devlyn Foundation with the purpose of providing 4,000 fully customized lenses to meet the needs of the beneficiaries. By the close of 2023, 15 thousand people have been benefited through the Medical Journeys. This joint effort reflects our shared commitment to improve people's quality of life through proper vision correction.

The participation of both women and men as volunteers plays a vital role in the successful execution of our Foundation's programs. It is precisely the commitment of Grupo Bafar's employees that makes up the largest group of volunteers, who generously dedicate part of their free time to build the success of our initiatives, projects and high impact activities in the community. During the year 2023, more than 3,300 volunteers were registered, performing more than 40,000 hours of community service, these valuable volunteers actively participated in various activities, such as the campaign focused on waste collection in the areas adjacent to the Socio-Sporting Schools. Their commendable dedication and active participation exemplify the deep commitment of Grupo Bafar and its team to community welfare, and their significant contribution in promoting positive change in our society.

Our Operations

Baja California Baja California Sur Coahuila Chihuahua Durango Sinaloa Sonora Zacatecas Nuevo León San Luis Potosí Tamaulipas Aguascalientes Colima Jalisco Michoacán Nayarit Campeche Oaxaca Puebla Tabasco Tlaxcala Ciudad de México Guanajuato Guerrero Hidalgo Estado de México Morelos Querétaro Veracruz Chiapas Quintana Roo Yucatán