
Governance Structure

The implementation of a solid governance system is essential to ensure the efficiency and continuity of our organization. We strive to establish fundamental guidelines, principles and standards that support our operations with integrity and ethics. At Grupo Bafar, we value the importance of having a well-prepared and committed management team. For this reason, we provide personalized training and induction to each new member that joins our governing bodies. Through this process, we provide them with a complete understanding of their role and responsibilities, in accordance with legal regulations and our Operating Rules Policy.

Furthermore, we strive to keep up to date and aligned with the best practices in the industry. For this reason, we offer annual training to all members of the governing bodies, with the aim of updating their knowledge and keeping abreast of the latest trends. At Grupo Bafar, we take pride in ensuring a solid and prepared governance, which allows us to achieve our objectives and generate a positive impact both internally and externally.


Audit Committee

The Audit Committee is comprised of 3 independent members.

Corporate Practices Committee

The Corporate Practices Committee is made up of 3 independent members.


Bafar Group has established a Code of Ethics applicable to our distinguished board members, directors of various business units and collaborators, with the firm purpose of enriching our being both internally and externally of the organization. This crucial document aims to promote ethical behavior based on the pillars of honesty, integrity and respect, establishing them as the unshakable foundations of our solid organizational culture.

Our approach emphasizes developing exemplary conduct, fostering a philosophy that places ethical excellence as the focal point for driving superior practices in all areas of our business. In this way, we reaffirm our unwavering commitment to quality, while strengthening our reputation and the trust placed in us in the competitive business world.